A Choral Piece "Alchimia Mundi (Alchemy of the Universe)"

 for S or SA Chorus with Piano

合唱曲「Alchimia Mundi (宇宙の錬金術)」


Text and Music by Kentaro Sato (Ken-P)

Latin Translation by Dr. Robert Zaslavsky

作詞・作曲 佐藤賢太郎(Ken-P)

ラテン語訳 ロバート・ジャズラブスキー

S/SA Chorus Chorus ver. (斉唱、同・女声版)

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Latin Lyrics / ラテン語詩

Alchímia Mundī

Íam díū,
múndus fḗcit stḗllās
quǽ érant lápidēs philósophī.
Ántequam stḗllæ íllæ ēvānuḗrunt,
pepérerant múltās ópēs:
áurum, árgentum, æs Cýprium, férrum...
et múlta ália métalla...
et fóntēs ómnium animálium...

Prōgéniēs stēllā́rum illā́rum súmus,
pártium lápidum illṓrum philósophī.


Ópēs stēllā́rum peperḗrunt Terram.
Dum Térra crēscḗbat,
péperit múltās ópēs:
mária, ǣ́rem, térrās, móntēs,
et múlta ália...
et ómnia animália in Terrā...
Alchímia múndī nos fḗcit,

Lápis philósophī,
quī mū́tat ū́llum métallum in áurum,
quī pótest dáre animā́lī immortālitā́tem.
Āmī́simus poténtiam prī́stinam,
sed habḗmus poténtiam fíngendī futū́ra nóstra.

Prōgéniēs stēllā́rum illā́rum súmus,
pártium lápidum illṓrum philósophī.
Alchímia múndī nos fḗcit,
et faciḗmus futū́ra múndī.

English Translation / 英語訳

Alchemy of the Universe

A long time ago,
the universe made stars
which were philosopher’s stones.
Before those stars disappeared,
they gave birth to many treasures:
gold, silver, copper, iron...
and many other metals...
and the sources of all living things...

We are descendants of those stars,
of pieces of those philosopher’s stones.


The treasures of the stars gave birth to the Earth.
As the Earth grew,
it gave birth to many treasures:
seas, air, lands, mountains,
and many other things...
and all living things on Earth...
The alchemy of the universe has made us,

A philosopher’s stone,
that changes any metal into gold,
that is able to give a living thing immortality.
We have lost the original power,
but we have the power to fashion our future.

We are descendants of those stars,
of pieces of those philosopher’s stones.
The alchemy of the universe has made us,
and we shall make the future of the universe.

about the Commission and the Premiere

 This work was commissioned by Coral Amicus Meus, and Daniel De la Puente for a project "Música y Mística." The peremiere was given by Coro Infantil Amici Mei on May 30, 2015 (Spain).


 この楽曲は「Coral Amicus Meus (指揮, Daniel De la Puente)」による「聖アビラのテレサ」の生誕500周年に向けた委嘱作品で、初演は「Coro Infantil Amici Mei」により2015年5月30日に行われました。